A heavily posited eighth house suggests a partnership that can be rather heavy in responsibility and emotion. It doesn't seem to have real source, and you can't find a way to bring it out into the open and discuss it. When transit Mercury is in the composite 8th house, you may focus on something intensely together, something you need to know more about or get to the heart of. (His progressed pluto is 17 in 5th house). It can propel a couple forward, or it can tear them apart. At times, the relationship may lack a sense of peace, as there is a surge of energy generated when you are together that can be hard to ignore. In this relationship, many facets of your personalities that you would rather keep private may be revealed. Composite Sun in the Ninth House A Ninth House composite Sun is a relationship that is built on mutual goals, dreams, and visions. As a couple, you have a serious manner regarding anything societal or institutional. This is great as long as it doesn't overwhelm the fun and frivolous side of your relationship. Other possible scenarios are a large age gap between you, an affair in which one of you is married to someone else, a boss/employee set-up, and so forth. Your relationship is a stimulating, compelling one, and you easily attract attention as a couple. the couples overall image), but also the couples automatic response to the day-to-day environment. Sometimes, if the Composite Moon is challenged, there can be a lot of emotionality but not a lot of understanding. Physical expression of love for one another is especially important, and possessiveness can be an issue. You need a sense of purpose in order to thrive together. Saturn Square Pluto - Synastry, Transit, Composite - Astro Majesty Composite Moon in the 1st House. You act responsibly towards each other, and towards those around you. Usually it is seen that native having Saturn in the 8th house lives in foreign land and earns and suffers there. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. Whether its passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. You have come together to learn about your own deepest feelings and needs, and this may not always be pleasant! Its always wise to remind yourselves that youre on each others sides, not pitted against each other. Composite Saturn in the 8th House With Composite Saturn in the 8th house, you may struggle over control of the relationship and over one another. Communications between you are friendly, clear, and mostly unbiased. Anger can be seemingly irrational, and you should do what you can to avoid blaming each other for the deep, sometimes ugly, emotions that surface as the result of your union. Sun In 8th House, Sun In Eighth House Meaning, Sun In 8th House Past You are a reliable, steadfast, and steady couple. With this placement, your love life usually gets better after your Saturn return. Saturn has a way of making things feel heavy and more real than they actually are. Composite Moon in the 9th House. You are unlikely to get into a rut when it comes to conversations, as you dont focus only on talking about the basicswhat needs to be done, how things should be done, etc. Of course, this can undermine your faith in one another. Composite Uranus in the 6th House. You pour a lot of energy into building and maintaining your connection. However, humans are imperfect, and complete faith is hard to keep up all of the time. This is because you stimulate strong feelings in each other. Mutual support is essential to your relationship, and if you ever sense this basic ingredient is going by the wayside, do your best to get it back. Composite Sun in the 6th House. Composite Saturn in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology Dying and rebirth. With this placement. The 8th House: The eighth house is the most natural house to experience in a composite. Composite Mars in the 3rd House. Communication slows down due to the serious tone Saturn casts over the house. You are both intuitive and practical. If the Sun is seriously challenged, lack of fun can become a major issue. Recommended Reading: Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relationships (The Planet Series) You tend to expect the best from one another, which helps your relationship along tremendously. Less common examples include intelligence and secret services. Nervousness and tension can be the result. If you can keep Saturn in check, you can use its conservative energy to keep yourselves practical enough not to spend foolishly, while remembering that life is also meant to be enjoyed. The goals of your partnership may not be clear or defined, and there can be anger issues surrounding inequality (including sexual inequality, where one partner feels unfulfilled, for example). Both the good and the bad in these areas are especially prominent, as this position of the Composite Moon magnifies the emotional attachment you have with one another. Idealizing each other is great unless its taken to an extreme. There is a strong tendency to encourage each other to be self-indulgent. Composite Mars in the 5th House. It also shows how the couple copes with daily ups and downs. Home: Personality & Relationship Astrology, Astrological Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, The Soul's Journey Through the Houses: A Deeper Understanding of the Houses in Astrology. Do your best not to make so many sacrifices for one another that you end up ignoring your own needs for happiness. With this placement, you should keep this in mind, and remember not to take things too seriously here. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house. Saturn is the planet of hard work, responsibility and time management. It can be a real challenge to develop predictable routines in this relationship. In the sixth house of daily work routines, lifestyle and doing things correctly, Saturn puts an overly serious tone on an already serious house. It's emotional and feeling based, making things a bit vague and undefined, yet powerful. Proper protocol is considered important in your dealings with structured organizations, and you are careful to follow their rules. Do they jump right into new experiences, or are they more cautious? Venus is a symbol of deep love. This takes the spontaneity out of this house. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. An underlying competitiveness between the two of you can develop. If the basic needs represented by the Composite Sun are not being met satisfactorily, the relationship will be in trouble. All of this is because inside you sense that you need to "become more, be better.". Transit Uranus in the Composite 8th House. In its own house, Saturn's effect is amplified, and reinforced. However, over time, negative feelings build in the unconscious and put a dark cloud over the whole relationship. An 8th House Saturn indicates that a person's wealth will come from taking advantage of a system, rules, authority, or their connections to others. Jealousies and possessiveness can be a real issue between you. Composite Houses : The Social Cluster, Houses 9, 10, 11 - The Inner Wheel Always putting work first can be a drag and keeping up your public image can be stressful. You are more inclined to work things through with class and style. You need to maintain a feeling of peace and balance, but the process involved in order to achieve this harmony can be lengthy! This slush that can take the form of resentment can undermine your relationship if youre not careful. Composite Venus in the 12th House. Composite Uranus: Relationship Liberator or Destroyer? There will be a. fear of not having enough on which to get by, thus making you work. I am a young at heart Aries who likes partners with Saturn maturity who I can be teacher for. Composite Moon in the 10th House. Composite North Node and Chiron in the 12th. You have a greater than average need to be creative together. You are a real couple. It can make your home life feel overly serious. You are a playful couple, and keeping this spontaneity alive is vital to the success of the relationship. However, Saturn's clear and realistic influence in the composite first house has its benefits. A bit of drama colors your interactionsalways! You tend to give each other personal freedom and to treat each other as friends above all else. With this placement, there is a deep, almost unconscious belief that each of you need the other to feel complete. You are a couple that blazes new paths. Composite Venus in the 7th House. By all means, this is not a superficial relationship! Transit Saturn in 1st House. Associations with friends and neighbors take on a formal tone with this placement because of the serious nature of Saturn. Another way of looking at it is that things do tend to balance themselves out over time, even if they seem imbalanced at the moment. Saturn in Aries/First House Conversation isn't just a whimsical pastime. This is a challenging position for the Composite Sun, as it suggests a basic inequality in your relationship that could undermine it over time. Rather, it comes from an awkwardness about your self-expression as a couple or as individuals when you are together. You value saving over spending and have a practical attitude about spending money on the pleasures the world has for sale. This is an especially sensitive position of the Sun in the composite chart, and it calls for you to keep your eyes open. Composite Saturn in the 12th House. Sun In 8th House Transit, Sun In 8th House Composite. The goals and aims of your partnership are generally clear and well-defined. A feeling of growing and moving together is fundamental to your union. Breaking your bond can be difficult to do. It can be a relationship that suffers from a lack of rules, boundaries, and goals, wherein confusion reigns; however, it can also be a relationship that benefits from these very same things, especially if Mars is well-aspected if as a couple you feel you have a higher mission, or delight in the mysteriousness of your connection (you might, for example, feel that you are together against all odds). Saturn in 8th House synastry relationships are formed between people with a high degree of responsibility and scrupulousness in financial matters. Next: The Composite Chart: Planetary Aspects. So, together in a composite chart, Saturn's message is clear. Because pleasure and enjoyment are what you expect from one another, deeper more intimate issues and responsibilities may be avoided or glossed over. One of you may end up feeling used or less than satisfied. Composite Sun in the 8th House - The Astrology Place Your automatic responses to each other are diplomatic. There is little patience when it comes to dealing with issues. The emotional side of the relationship has the ability to renew itself and transform deep-rooted problems in the union. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! Expressing yourselves sexually and creatively comes naturally, and inhibitions in these areas are unlikely unless Mars is seriously challenged. Composite Sun and Venus in the 8th house. Their expression is muted and subverted. You want attention from each other. The entire house is about merged energies, whether they be sexual or financial. At worst, the energy of your chemistry encourages you to be negligent or unreliable. Saturn here can make you critical of each other's abilities to do things correctly and efficiently.

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