So, do not fall anybody into racism, that is another form to divide the population to control it. I fought racism all my life, Im not gonna start today. Well, after some centuries the aliens decided to extinct their first creation and they accelerated the evolution of a second and better test series and so on and so on. She seemed very sad spending her lifetime in caves under ground, in the planet that is long time home to her kind. Watch in YouTube the testimony of Randy Cramer, a super-soldier. Question: Can you tell me something about the natural history and evolution of your species? The power station is located on the edge of the colony. The Lecerta File Figures of authority through centuries in higher places have lied to us because they represent their interests and the interests of the 1%. All I really want to say is that I have questions and theories/answers that I want someone to hear. At our first meeting in December, you made it quite clear that you didnt want to discuss scientific and paranormal concerns. We do not know details of agreements into what should or not be removed from the interview, no need to speculate. How easy it would be if you are what you claim to provide real meaningful information. . Then they left Earth again for some thousands of years and the primitive pre-humans lived together with us without major problems (they were just afraid of our aircraft and technology). Actually, the embryo grows in a protein liquid inside the mothers womb, but there is also an egg-shaped but very thin chalk hull around it, that fills the whole womb. If battled with myself over the existence of a reptilian species on this earth and I have to say Im a bit more convinced than I was originally. Your military and your politicians slowlyvery slowlycame to the conclusion after more than 20 years of this that they had been deceived by that alien species. Its possible there is a test station here on your continent. Which kinds of paranormal activities can one generate with that? You are, after all, free spirits. No. Example: They might want to lower the population of humans to protect all humanity. If you would be able to open that door (but I doubt this) you would be in a usually round technical room with ventilation systems and elevators to the depth. Somos responsables por estar aqu en este planeta, no somos vctimas. I am not always one to be paranoid or think about ETs or what came before us Im not that philosophical usually but this had me thinking. I need to know more in depth answers, please hear me out. Now he had no choice but to believe me. We grow up with this kind of knowledge, we know how one makes use of these powers, and where they come from. Answer: First, my kind was of course seen and described (and worshipped) many times in your primitive past, for example in your religious writings like your Christian Bible. Reptoids of the Inner Earth - The Lacerta File One - Part 1 of 2 And God Bless You, too, Harold. baseball font with tail generator Humans DO get it. Question: Have you a tail like normal reptiles? I was never very good in that mind things, but we all have these primary abilities and can use them for example for our protection or even for attack. Therefore, you really dont understand what happens in your worldyou see only one side of existence, not the other (I mean here both that are physical). They believe, because of their education, that they have a superior mind and therefore their point of view is above that of the one of people who believe in the paranormal, UFOs and conspiracy theories. The timelines she references cannot be ignored regarding the last 5000 years. We expect a more hot war between them and you in the near future (I would say in the next 10 or 20 years) and we are worried about that development. The reason for that is simply that you lack the basic understanding for seeing the background reasons. It was composed from three original tape recordings which were made on April 24, 2000 with a tape recorder during my second interview with the reptilian creature known as Lacerta. Otherwise, you humans are very skeptic (thats good for us and for the real alien species acting secretly on this planet) so even if you had such photos, many of your kind would say that they are fraud, that Im just a masked human woman or something like that (that would be very offensive for me.) There is a simple switch (See us as we really are / See us as we want you to see us) in your consciousness which was placed there from the Illojim when they created your kind and we can use this switch to convince you that you see humans when you look at us (other aliens use this switch, too). Taken from There are special cave areas and tunnels with a strong UV light in every city and we use that places to heat our blood. Whether you believe in a creator or not, most of us have respect, but at least empathy for other life forms. If he or she would develop the film and show the photo to others, they would see me in my original shape. I dont want to talk further about this. According to what I heardwhat members of my species were told by members of that governmentit resulted in an unintentional activation of one of the drives components in the unshielded condition. Through these half truths they made you dependent on the synthesizing of high {numbered} elements, and thereby renewed by their own technology. I pray maybe this person who translated have maybe a connection with Lacerta or Lacerta in disguise see this post. If you read this and my friends own email us back. Dogma in religion and science. That means not that we are now real mammals) but the breasts of us are not as large as those of human woman and the size of them is generally equal for every female of my kind. This would mean that I would meet with you two or three and learn. They were simple animals. Secondly, Lacerta needs to know that there is hope that us humans will develop and do what we can to grow into a respectable species, as many light workers have come to the earth (or Terran). I think that 20 or 30 of your scientists were killed in that lab. The fingernails are grey and generally longer than yours. According to Lacerta we are on our own, tough luck for us humans. This memory plate was manufactured from the last bomb survivors of human race from Procyon already 65 million years ago but it was completely intact when we found it. Lastly: Ole, if your reading this, please contact me as I would like to know if you indeed had met Lacerta again and if you were shown their home. I feel, with growing suspicion, that there is one in my neighborhood right now, and they have been here for some time. We are living in an environment of media control and a society that was told for many, many years that these alien things are stupid and people who were examining these things faced disadvantages all over their live. Finally he brought you into contact with meand for that reason we are now sitting here once again and talking about things which probably wont be believed out there in human society. This can cause no harm to us, but we feel much better in the sun. Heike. And by the way, your human scientists will tend to regard my comments as humbug. And so I see no great danger in spreading this information widely. For me it is OK to have this opinion. It will be reactivated. How many that I know intimately, if any? Worshiping God is not a religion. To answer your question: it depends on the strength of the human mind and on the strength of the sending reptilian. I know that Creator has nothing but love and he does not judge and he does not have a hell. Your body, for example, is mirrored as a field in the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. They found there a round plate with a diameter of approximately 47 of your centimeters. The testing program reported defective sectors where strangely enough there were only data which dealt with illustrations and completed textual material from the interview. Because later in life, it might be ourselves who would be in need of a friend or assistance. Im glad to hear about it. We are not your enemy (most of us not) so why should we do this? I never saw anyone get into or out of the car. The caves you have discovered near to the surface are tiny in comparison to real caves and huge caverns deeper in the earth (in a depth of 2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected with many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surface-near caves) and we live in large and advanced cities and colonies inside such caves. Your people still think according to a simple and completely inappropriate scheme of generalizations. Please dont think that I am paranoid; however, I believe that the publication of the interview has drawn either official attention or the attention of some organization to me. The fourth state of matter is very important for certain physical conditions which can be used for example tohow should I express this to yougenerate antigravity. But then again, maybe not. It depends again on the respective point of view; your people are not necessarily in a position to judge whether the deeds of a much more highly developed species are good or evil, because you stand at a lower observation point, from which an assessment is not possible. I would love to be able to stay in one of their cities underground and learn from them. Animals in a very large lab. You've mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. Youtube to MP4 video Converter | Answer: Yes. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. There was a long war between us and the Illojim and also between certain groups of the Illojim themselves, because many of them were the opinion that the again-and-again creation of human species on this planet makes no real sense. There are also benign reptoids living in underground colonies in Mars. You would call it family but with this word you mean only those of your kind which belong genetically together like father or mother and child. The Fallen Angels of the Luciferian Rebellion that happened 200,000 years ago. Enter author Luis Prada. That is Neve McIntosh covered in special effects makeup to play Restac in the excellent Doctor Who episodes "The Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood". Misjudging the conditions of this planet as a result of punishment from God or as a negligence of God or as a lack of action on His part is a mistake and result of ignorance of karmic laws. It contained also a description of the animals and saurians on earth, including our pre-intelligent ancestor species. Each life develops with time its own sense of balance in how much of ourselves, our heart and strength that we freely would offer to another without thought of due recompense. I wish for our species to take the next step and understand that you, me and everything on this planet is connected, is One, and understand we are a part of a bigger organism than just us. Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but its the truth. I have never met Lacerta in person. 2) IF anyone will actually find it, how can he display (or prove) that he (or she) is a curious guest and does not mean any harm? We were planted here. Im a high strangeness researcher and have been involved with historical investigation of EBEs and UFOs for appx. The original English version of the Lacerta Files is made available by Exopolitics Hong Kong, at as a free online book source (Downloadable here as Lacerta files ). Incredible. Answer: Of course. I hope in an answer. Please, read them and you're welcome to make comments on them. You can find descriptions and even simple drawings of us for also in the southern part of the American continent on various temples. This is believed to be technology not organic in any way. Those are my final words. If she is correct, we are in a war. Although she seems like a wealth of information, all life forms with higher intelligence are not to be trusted because they have their own agendas. Some people think it is all a made-up story. For those of Gullible Mind I recommend reading the article The Gullible Mind Explained at These four white and very long processes on the underside of the ship itself portray a kind of quasi-gravitational light manipulation, i.e., the universal force field is being shifted in the direction of a simulated gravity. Even feeling optimistic and open minded, one can still feel alone in a crowded room yet sharing in the fullness of life walking through a forest populated by many different species of trees, birds and wildlife. She is part of an ancient reptilian race that has been living underground. The Lacerta Files. There are reptoids living underground. Besides, it is not necessary for an understanding of the basic theory; it is connected with diverse phenomena which you would characterize as paranormal.) With all sides of humanity fighting against each other and causing more rifts, hatred and anger than ever before, perhaps now is a good time for these "aliens" to show face, expose themselves, even at the risk of war (considering current human wars are already costing thousands of innocent lives) it might unite humanity in some way? Satan and Lucifer were fallen angels now uncreated. I have sent to spam some of Z comments since they have been disrespectful of myself. At first, they caught around 10,000 or maybe even 20,000 of your simian ancestors and they left the planet for some hundred years. Some of them are running the governments of the world and that is the reason the planet is in the state of affairs it is today, heading for destruction. I will try to explain to you what I know about those things which happened at that time. Your generalization is too big as to assume that all humans are nazis because the nazis were humans. That doesnt make any sense. Answer: Probably, but I dont think so in your special case. Back to our own history: the first species (the humanoids) had reached Earth around 150 years before the reptilians and they built some colonies on the former continents. Question: What is your task? Just makes me giggle. Not to learn or to observe, but to rob, maim and kill. Like about their faith and culture, and why an advanced life form doesn't care about a lesser one. According to my information, there have been a great number of deaths of your people because of intense radiation and field disturbances. One possibility they have is the destruction of your social system by influence on political leaders, another is the use of advanced weapon systems which can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions or other disasters (including weather disasters) which may seem natural to you. You humans only enjoy being in the sun but for us it is the greatest pleasure you can imagine (maybe like your sexual excitement.) More about that later.) You have read from Z what I allowed to be posted. Many things in current world dont completely add up. The height of the dome at the highest point is about 220 meters. By the way, we have 3 air shafts and 2 elevator systems there, and even a tunnel connection to the next main colony which lies approximately 500 kilometers to the southeast. The history and knowledge would be amazing. Were wasting more or less valuable time by doing this. I didn't realize how our history was completely wrong. Answer: Pleiades? Does this truly mean that the Illojim has created us and are observing us from somewhere? Underneath that highest point in every colony there stands a special whitish-gray cylindrical buildinga kind of supporting column which holds the honeycomb net-carrying structure of the dome. I have never heard of those two names you mentioned. lacerta files part 3 - lacerta files part 3 - I believe her testimony I have no reason not to and I have always known that we are not alone and for any human to even think for a moment that we are on own shows how ignorant they are. Lets talk about UFOs. The Power Elites who are part of the Illuminati and the ones who are involved in politics, top corporations, Military Industrial Complex and Deep State are all globalists. They are very strong and like to eat living flesh which makes them seem like monsters, which they are. Youre telling me they dont have giant ships orbiting Earth in camouflage or have bases on nearby spatial bodies? The many wars between alien races led to the creation of the Galactic Federation as a regulatory organization that deals with conflicting issues and control and deter major escalations that may lead to similar wars as in the past. As for those who deny the tech of endless compression, Kolmogorov Incompressible Theorem will be your undoing. Unfortunately, if I read the entire transcript and (much more) this All The other species - about which we know not so Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of they need in order to achieve their goals . Our body, arms and legs are similar in shape and size to yours, but the color is different (green-beige, like the face) and there are scale-like structures on the upper legs (over the knee) and upper arms (over the elbow). Tambin es cierto que somos subdesarrollados y en cierta forma desprotegidos mentalmente, pero por qu no unirnos para evitar que los otros extraterrestres nos hagan dao? To understand this reason, you must know that copper is a very important material for some advanced species (even today) because it is together with some unstable materials able to produce new stable elements if you induce a high electromagnetic field in the right angle with a high nuclear radiation field to produce an over-crossing of fluctuating fields. Psychic human beings exist. Isnt that doing the same thing as the elites and dark forces you constantly criticize? The current theory is, that both species had ceased to exist during the millions of years. (if authentic?)

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