named Joe Goldberg and the woman named Guinevere Beck. And its pretty iconic. His father used to beat his mother and hence Joe ended up killing him. One of the most devilish sides of Joe as a character is that he remains calm and composed even when he is spotted by someone in a dicey situation. (2001). The primary reason for this is that he has never been heartbroken by anyone other than Love, Candace, or Beck. Psychoanalysis of "You"'s Joe Goldberg. By: Ayesha Nayak. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. It may be just a show, but it can tell us a lot about red flags and how to avoid problematic scenarios. What kind of mental illness does Joe Goldberg, the main character of As Lev put it, "Hollywood wants the happy ending, and in reality, when women are in this relationship [with a malignant narcissist], they do not have a happy ending. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. Get hand-picked resources and highlights from our Mighty community straight to your inbox. raised him, and even taught him an education. Often narcissists fly under the radar because they use their charm and wit to seem normal and unsuspecting. What's the Difference Between a Sociopath and a Narcissist? Joe's fear of rejection and dissociation from his body (as manifested by compulsive masturbation, premature ejaculation, and impotence) are characteristic of borderline personality disorder. In essence, they He thinks about himself as a passionate lover and wants to take away all the problems from his girlfriends life even if it means killing her best friend. His work at the CIA garnered three Exceptional Performance Awards. Guinevere Beck | YOU Wiki | Fandom Antisocial personality disorder, or psychopathy, is a mental disorder that Joe Goldberg quite evidently struggles with. Strangership and Privilege in Netflix's You. UBC English Students' Association, 2 Feb. 2020, Your email address will not be published. He wants to change, he wants to do things better, and we root for a person who wants to change and transform. 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. It appears you entered an invalid email. According to the British NHS, someone with ASPD is characterized by being manipulative, deceitful, and reckless. Another reason why ASPD and psychopathy are often used interchangeably and continue to be so difficult to separate is that both are mainly studied in terms of their effect on society, as opposed to the impact they have on the person inflicted by them. And we try to do that for other people, especially if we are very understanding of other people. This has helped him cope with dealing with specific The Complexity of The Psychopathic Mind., Leiden, Luke. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. We know what he's doing is wrong, so why do we root for him? It can come out in parenting and using your child to meet your own needs in a way that is massively detrimental to your child's needs," like Goldberg's mother is seen doing in flashbacks during season 2. boundaries and relationality. Even when something goes awry, "if we already had this preconceived notion that this person is sensitive and emotionally present, it's very easy for us to believe they're a good person.". Sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter. Without spoiling anything, there are multiple close calls within the show where viewers may find themselves hoping Joe gets away with his actions. Then when she shoved the Conrads in her glass box and Joe tried to think of non-violent ways to deal with the couple, Love handed them a gun and forced them to shoot each other. You can begin working on self-esteem and self-compassion as soon as you understand whats going on. Klestzick, Rebecca. present situations, he was flashing back to his childhood memories. 2. "Mental health relies on nuance because it is nuance," Scott said. Ryan2 years ago what I needed to start mine Students also viewed PSY 255 Trait Theory Short Answer Worksheet as well as other partner offers and accept our. The reason is the way he carries himself in front of people. Which disorder do "You" have?. Spoiler Alert! - Medium They can act in Even though he is outright creepy, you cant really spot whats going on in his mind. If Goldberg was not as good-looking, hilarious, sweet, or smart as he is portrayed in the show, with a different financial status, his character would not be well liked by fans, or even the side characters who trust him. One thing that could improve this submission is a short summary of the show and characters at the very beginning. They are charismatic and plan everything in advance to ensure that no one notices. Joe Goldberg.docx - PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER Joe Goldberg- - Course Hero "[Goldberg] was attached to someone, his mom, who was unresponsive to his needs, inconsistent, and not a safe person to him," Scott said. But in the end, he didnt. gain that love back (Burger, 2019). How Accurate is The Depiction of Stalking in Netflix's You? - Verywell Mind To win over his ever-changing objects of desire, Joe also employs appalling means that are highly illegal. How did we get here? Just as you are responsible for your own issues and your own demons, someone else is responsible for theirs [] Relationships fundamentally are about interdependence rather than dependence.". In the third season, we see more of Joes background as an abused child, which led to his development of antisocial personality disorder, narcissism and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Instead, she told Joe that she was just pretending to flirt with Theo to get information from his dad. self-defense to save himself and his mother from his father. The memes (oh, the memes *spoiler warning*) about You currently littering the internet all seem to have one thing in common: They support main character Joe Goldberg despite his manipulative, violent, and downright psychopathic behavior. Rejected stalkers stalk their victims in response to the dissolution of a former relationship, most often a former partner but sometimes a parent or friend. Let us break down his character and actions to view the psychological perspective of Joe Goldberg. Narcissists use their victims as a way to create an illusion in order to fulfill their own fantasies. In fact, Ramani Durvasula, a professor of psychology at California State University, Los Angeles and a licensed clinical psychologist, previously told Insider that extreme charisma is a common red flag that someone could be a narcissist. These individuals often have a poor understanding of dating rituals as well as a sense of entitlement to a relationship. But on the other, he is the man of your dreams. A few additional symptoms that psychopathy has when compared to ASPD include a lack of guilt, excessive vanity, charisma, and a lack of empathy. Netflix came out with an unforgettable TV Series named "YOU." Penn Badgley played a Why Netflix's You Is an Important Lesson in Psychology. Thrive Global, 31 Jan. 2020, He also demonstrates characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder, experts say. Love (Victoria Pedretti) and Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) are both serial killers. Joe Because when we take care of ourselves and our needs first, "that makes us a lot less vulnerable to a love bomber. have learned that social relationships are a source of anxiety, and their destructive interpersonal Abnormal Psych Case Study.docx - Case Study of Joe Goldberg "If you're vulnerable because you're looking for someone to rescue you," Neo adds, "then sophisticated psychopaths and dark personality types are going to be out for you. He read people so well that any organization would benefit greatly from him. This is because he is so clear about his intentions that even when he is committing a serious crime, he is clean in his own mind. Verywell Mind content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. It is essential to know how to help them, as well as protect yourself from the ASPD patients who can potentially hurt you. | of these categories. His upbringing is influenced by strong morals, idealistic beliefs, and a desire to lead a better life. Goldberg shows signs of antisocial personality disorder. Joe Goldberg'S Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder in Caroline If you've watched Netflix's You, there's a chance you may have started to second-guess yourself recently. When Love no longer provides Joe with the supply he requires, he ends her life. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth-Thomson Learning. Despite continuously stalking, occasionally kidnapping and holding people captive, and several times even murdering others, Joe genuinely thinks he is a good guy. Gaslighting, verbal abuse, and intimidation are some of the most common forms of abusive behavior. it shows us a different perspective and puts us in the mind of a person with mental illness. Moreover, Joe's tragic backstory, which includes a mother who abandoned him after he shot and killed her abusive boyfriend and a foster father who locked him in a glass book cage for extended periods of time, establishes the roots of an attachment disorder that make it challenging for Joe to bond with or trust others. The term sociopath is also often used interchangeably with psychopath, but the former, in fact, refers to a person with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). Sorry???? Joe Goldberg is one of those rare sociopaths who come across as very charming. Joe Goldberg: Factors Influencing Stalker Behaviour - Blogger Jung sees personality as a whole person and what Predatory stalkers are planning to attack their victims and enjoy the sense of power the act of stalking gave them. According to Scott, a season 2 scene when Goldberg looks distraught after he learns his landlord Delilah has been killed proves that Goldberg does indeed have empathy and therefore doesn't have antisocial personality disorder. Instead, the best hope for anyone in a relationship with a malignant narcissist in real life is to get out. He is a great example of how someone can be diagnosed using psychoanalysis. These flashbacks help viewers better understand the root cause of Goldberg's behavior and, according to Scott, these scenes led her to believe Goldberg acts how he does not because he lacks empathy and has antisocial personality disorder, but because his violent and turbulent childhood caused him to develop an attachment disorder. As a result, it is clear that Joe Goldberg is likely to suffer from antisocial and narcissistic personality disorder. When Natalie kissed Joe and he left and told Love, she was so hurt that she murdered Natalie to keep the Quinn-Goldberg family together. Stalking is a good way to get there. What's Realistic About the Depiction of Stalking in You? You Joe Goldberg Based On Real Social Media Nightmare - Refinery29 Cynthia Vinney, PhD is an expert in media psychology and a published scholar whose work has been published in peer-reviewed psychology journals. A psychoanalytic of Joe Goldberg (You) - Psychology 12 But Love was somehow surprised that Sherry and Cary heard her very loud murder admission?! The goal of intimacy-seeking stalkers is to enter into a relationship with the person they're stalking, who they believe is meant to be with them. Joe Goldberg has established specific coping methods when it comes to functioning in high In You, Joe Goldberg exhibits "psychopathic traits and narcissistic traits," says Hatters Friedman. Study of stalkers. Of course, Joe is fictional and You is entertainment, so the TV show's portrayal of the character, and the hope that's built into the story could be seen as taking the romance narrative trope of the man seeking redemption through love to the extreme, Furthermore, Hatters Friedman notes that You and some fans' attraction to Joe could be seen as the continuation of a trend thats long been part of popular culture. At the same time, more information offered in "You" season 2 suggests Goldberg may not have antisocial personality disorder, but an attachment disorder related to childhood trauma. She was born and raised on Nantucket Island. Moving away from the bustle of LA and the bloody aftermath they left there in Season 2 to start a new life in the burbs, all seemed well for the newlywed couple. Strangership and Privilege in Netflix's You.. I use my personal experiences with my mental health and health to inform my work. But according to mental health experts, Goldberg's mental health is more complicated, especially since the term "psychopath" doesn't hold much meaning, medically speaking. Trauma isnt the primary cause of Joes antisocial and narcissistic tendencies, but it does play a big part in the development of such disorders and behaviors. One day he got fed up with his mother being abused, he killed his father in How the Stigma of Mental Health Is Spread by Mass Media, How Sociopaths Are Different from Psychopaths, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, National Intimate Partner And Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2015 Data Brief, You (the novel and the television series). I offer a variety of courses and free mental health articles, as well as one on one sessions. Some Extremely Baffling Info Has Come To Light About Ellys Time On The Bachelor, 23 Sep 2020 Both narcissistic and borderline individuals usually experience chronic instability in their personal Continue Reading 36 Sponsored by PureCare Knee Protector Your email address will not be published. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Joe exhibits a number of personality traits that are typical of the disorder. Because Joe is a charming character, most people watching the show find themselves rooting for him, even when he is facing the well deserved consequences of his own actions. He is also paranoid and has a lot of anger. Overall, the writers and directors of You have done a great job with depicting a psychopath. There are many ways to tackle this question, including how it reflects our ideals of romance in a rapidly changing dating landscape. And as it so happens, we can learn a lot from Joe Goldberg. -, Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Treatable Mental Disorder, Unraveling The Mystery Of Extroverts And Introverts: A Guide To Handwriting Analysis, Pronouncing Introvert With Confidence: A Guide To Mastering The Words Correct Pronunciation, Unlocking The History Of The Power Of Positive Thinking, Introverts Unite: Understanding The Dynamics Of Relationships Between Introverts. Trust your intuition, watch for the red flags, and, for God's sake, buy some curtains. Delilah Alves. 10. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication. Joe and Joe were very different types of serial killers, as indicated in You Season 3: Are Joe and Love Different Kinds of Serial Killers? Since he is a fictional character, the more we find out about him in subsequent seasons, the more accurate a diagnosis of his mental state can be made. codependent due to his childhood. "You". We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. National Intimate Partner And Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2015 Data Brief. Joe is a narcissist who desperately seeks to fill his emptiness because he craves supply. It is only natural for him to feel whatever he wants to feel and to instantly transform into someone else. Hatters Friedman and Lev particularly cited Joe's behavior toward his newborn son in the third season of the series as unrealistic. With both Freud and Jung dealing with earlier life and You is a show that focuses on Joe Goldberg. "From a clinical perspective, the word 'psychopath' doesn't mean anything.". Pastoral Psychology, 50 (1), 3952. Over time, the you Joe obsesses over changes but his belief in true loveand what he has to do to ensure it happensnever does. Lev cautions that despite the way it comes across in the series, "people with [narcissistic personality disorder], they don't really have much remorse and they don't really feel guilt. A yandere is someone who is initially kind, gentle, and sweet before becoming brutal and deranged at the same time. Vulnerable narcissists may be more prone to using the cycle of emotional abuse over physical abuse or coercion. Sarah Regan mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor Read More:How Many Did Joe Goldberg Kill in You? Season 2 of "You" gets deeper into Goldberg's past and uncovers clues that suggest he actually has an attachment disorder, according to Scott. ", However, You's characterization of Joe Goldberg isn't flawless. "He's positioned as alone in the world, abused and neglected by his mom.". Even though he is outright creepy, you can't really. Joe undertook therapy sessions, out of which a very significant method used by Sigmund Freud is exhibited in the show. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. I utilize art therapy and bibliotherapy in my mental health work, and I work with individuals struggling with mental illness, as well as their loved ones. And in many cases in reality, people do choose the dark road. Yet, while the third season may be the least successful at portraying Joe's pathology, there are hints of him feeling remorse and empathy in the first two seasons as well, especially in season 2 when he expresses a great deal of guilt about what he did to Beck at the end of season 1. Joe's abusive childhood experiences and flashbacks played a crucial role whenever he hurt or crossed swords with someone he loved. he is a sociopath and is obsessed with Beck, he continually stalks her and gets rid of anyone who will distance her from Joe. Joe Goldberg When it comes to the most intelligent characters on You, Joe Goldberg would have to be named number one. any situation that presents to them. He has a false sense of self-worth. From small details, like his obsession Beck's cracked phone in a yellow case, Joe discerns significant personality patterns: "That means you only take care of. To define stalking, it is viewed as an illogical or irrational preoccupation with another individual. Introduction. And he's not willing to leave your romance to chance, so even though you don't know it, he follows you, he manipulates you, he controls you. Apart from my professional experience, I am a survivor of Schizoaffective Disorder, Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder, Fibromyalgia, multiple eating disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Complex PTSD. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. He remains private to the general public, but is great at making deep connections with the people he cares about. In 1979, Lenore Walker developed the cycle of abuse theory in an attempt to explain an abusive relationships repeated events. People with narcissistic personality disorder havean inflated sense of self-importanceand lack of empathy for others, which are typically mechanisms used to mask their low self-esteem, according to the Mayo Clinic. There are three types of killers: organized killers, medical killers, and disorganized killers. The fact that both ASPD and psychopathic tendencies can stem from environmental factors also brings us to the rest of our romantic serial killers diagnosis. What???? In season 2, however, flashbacks to Goldberg's past suggest he could actually be none of those and have an attachment disorder. He cant be in love with anything, no matter how much he is addicted or obsessed with it. Of course, he does seem to have a fair amount of charisma, which means he also imbibes psychopathic traits. However, it is so much more than that. On top of that, he normalizes all his toxic characteristics, underlining that he does so in the name of love. This is really well done, Justin. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. Protective Services came and sent him to a Group Home for Boys in New York. Copyright 2020 some symptoms of being antisocial. What Does It Really Mean To Be An Extrovert. Joe's development of obsessions with different women often leads to violence due to his inability to create and maintain positive relationships, and he often resorts to violence when he feels as though he is being abandoned. The Complexity of The Psychopathic Mind. The Complexity of the Psychopathic Mind | Danielle Rousseau, 1 Jan. 1967, Terms. ", According to Lev, "Stalking is seen in the full spectrum of narcissism." Joe devalues his ex-girlfriends in order to manipulate the narrative. This typology is made up of five stalker types: Incompetent stalkers want to establish an intimate relationship with the individual they're stalking but recognize that their affections are not reciprocated. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Although he has done so much wrong, Goldberg still thinks he is a perfect individual, and lacks guilt to take accountability for his actions or even feel empathy towards the people who he has violated. For example, when the word psychopath or stalker comes to mind, one would highly likely picture a person with an unlikeable, strange personality who is scruffy, unkept, uneducated, and neither polite nor visually appealing. Joe was mentally ill. Dr. Nicky applies psychoanalysis in one . Joe Goldberg is a textbook example ofYandere. Rutledge added that in her expert opinion, Goldberg's actions suggest he has symptoms of certain mental illnesses like antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. Leiden, Luke. In the story, Joe is an orphan, and he is ignored by his parents. Then once they pinned Natalies murder on a dead Gil and all seemed sorted, Love decided to open her mouth and let the Conrads know that she was actually the one who killed Natalie. Everyone has a darkness and a light inside them. Trust your intuition, watch for the red flags, and, for God's sake, buy some curtains. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. They become more manipulative and they're more likely to commit crimes." There is no definitive answer to this question as it is difficult to diagnose someone based on their behavior without knowing their thoughts and motivations. Joe is a bookstore manager Lets get to the bottom of it, shall we? This article contains major spoilers for the first three seasons of the TV show, You, now streaming on Netflix. Many victims believe they are losing their minds, that they are to blame for the abuse, and that they have no hope of recovering. Melisandre from Game of Thrones. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Psychopaths tend to be charming at an initial impression; this is why no one ever suspects Joe in either season, and both fans and characters believe that Joe is a likeable person while the people who are against his horrible deeds are viewed as the antagonists. When we first meet Love Quinn in season two of You, we see a smitten Joe Goldberg who has yet again managed to over-romanticize life with a new victim. 'You's' Penn Badgley Says Fans Can't Be Entirely Blamed for Liking Joe It is, however, widely considered to overlap with ASPD, and research shows that a third of the people with ASPD also fit the description of a psychopath. Kwon, S.-Y. You is a show that focuses on Joe Goldberg. the foster system for years, Joe had found a job at Mr. Mooney's bookstore. Joe Goldberg - other - COMPARISON OF THEORISTS 1 COMPARISON - StuDocu Also, he has a sign of being an individual who can be very disorder and narcissistic personality disorder seem to have a lack of empathy. Karen Cilli is a fact-checker for Verywell Mind. Since then he thinks of himself as if he is in the world to protect women. All rights reserved. When we look at Joe's history, we see that he was brought up in a horrible, mistreated He is a bookstore clerk, and that is where he gained most of his knowledge. individuals' personal memories and ideas," which why Joe would defend the person he loved to But when Love had sex with Theo, she didnt even mention it to Joe. He always seems to mirror others, is dishonest, and completely selfish when it comes to his own child. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Why Do We Sympathize With Psychopaths Like Joe Goldberg On "You Joe Goldberg - PloS One, 15 (3), e0229876. He starts mast**bating as he watches Beck while standing outside her house. Love does not care about consequences or the messes she makes. It also makes us a lot wiser in trusting our own gut and our own wisdom," she says. The Id is described as the "unconscious energy" that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives. 40 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Joe Goldberg, in his role as You, possesses many of these characteristics as a murderer. seasons, he is actually also incredibly sensitive, and we see more of this side of Unlike Joe and Love, both serial killers are typically narcissistic, whereas Joe is a textbook example ofYandere, whereas Love is a typical, garden-variety killer. I was honestly truly sad after finishing the series, because I believed Joe could have been a good person. INFJ is a combination of the three functions (introverted feeling, moderately developed sense-making, and judging abilities). Oops! References We're immune to trickery, we have good taste in partners, and our BS radars are strong, right? No, the main character from 'You' isn't romantic - NME Womens Day 2023: Agar Tum Saath Ho, Aarya, Aranyak, Maharani & Other Must-Binge OTT Series To Celebrate Womens Resilience & Strength! Cross), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Give Me Liberty!