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["acceptable_h"]=> int(1400) int(1) [4]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" }. int(1400) ["url"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["width"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> string(76) "" Top 70 Mid-Atlantic Finance Company Reviews - ConsumerAffairs ["image_full_width"]=> int(1400) Financial Advisors/TPAs Oriental Pension Consultants ["acceptable_h"]=> ["media_query"]=> array(6) { int(900) int(0) ["height"]=> ["url"]=> About Us - Retirement | American Trust string(83) "" int(300) ["max_image_width"]=> Bank - Wikipedia bool(false) ["max_image_width"]=> int(560) int(1400) ["ratio"]=> Industrial. array(6) { int(389) In addition, our bilingual website, participant statements, and staff provide enhanced participant communication services. int(0) Our technology-backed-by-people business model has made LT Trust one of the fastest-growing 401(k) recordkeepers in the market. string(10) "image/jpeg" } } float(768) int(1366) bool(false) ["mime-type"]=> float(300) ["media_query"]=> } ["height"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["filesize"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(0) Dont wait.. int(560) Its important to hit the ground running.. string(78) "" ["url"]=> } string(86) "" ["url"]=> ["file"]=> int(1) int(150) [0]=> int(1) ["url"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> The prospectus contains this and other information about the investment company. ["percent_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> int(1) int(911) Savings and Security Plan for Mid-Atlantic Associates (Full title of the Plan) Frontier Communications Parent,Inc. int(0) ["image_full_width"]=> ["media_query"]=> array(10) { float(300) ["image_full_width"]=> int(300) ["acceptable_w"]=> [3]=> bool(false) ["filesize"]=> int(480) } ["acceptable_w"]=> ["percent_width"]=> Consult your personal advisor or attorney for advice specific to your unique circumstances before taking action. ["filesize"]=> string(93) "" array(10) { ["width"]=> } EDGECo Holdings, LP | LinkedIn ["acceptable_w"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> } } [2]=> ["url"]=> string(91) "" } Its 113 land trust members are protecting land in well-loved and nationally renowned landscapes including the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay watersheds, Atlantic Coast, Appalachian and Pocono Mountains and the New Jersey Pine Barrens, along with urban parks and . string(29) "insurance_lessons-480x279.png" int(1280) int(1400) ["height"]=> ["width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> int(0) ["url"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> Advisor will develop a financial plan that will recommend an asset allocation and specific funds offered in the WEA TSA Trust 403(b) and WEA Member Benefits IRA programs and generally will not include recommendations to invest in individual securities or bonds, CDs, options, derivatives, annuities, closed-end funds, unit investment trusts, partnerships, or other securities not offered through WEA Member Benefits. ["next_break"]=> ["width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["height"]=> With multiple levels of administrative support each designed around your current needs for administrative functions like tax and compliance reporting, distributions and investment selection, Mid Atlantic has the solution that is right for you. ["width"]=> [5]=> int(900) int(300) string(81) "" array(10) { ["max_image_width"]=> offers an extensive line of participant distribution solutions for plans in Mid Atlantics custody or held elsewhere. bool(false) } ["media_query"]=> ["width"]=> } int(1) ["url"]=> ["height"]=> int(768) string(89) "" [2]=> This individuals experience is their own and is not a guarantee of future results for all clients. ["image_full_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["url"]=> int(1219) [1]=> int(900) int(300) } int(480) array(10) { string(10) "image/jpeg" string(72) "" int(1400) ["url"]=> Fax: 727-324-1453. ["next_break"]=> ["mime-type"]=> Future performance may be lower or higher than past performance. ["acceptable_w"]=> int(512) ["mime-type"]=> int(1366) int(1000) string(10) "image/jpeg" int(150) ["percent_width"]=> int(1) [0]=> [3]=> Interest is compounded daily to produce a yield net of Empower's administrative fee of 0.60%. ["height"]=> ["percent_width"]=> array(10) { ["max_image_width"]=> The employer identification number (EIN) for Mid Atlantic Trust Company is 273169253. ===========array(5) { ["acceptable_h"]=> string(89) "" WEA Member Benefits is NOT AFFILIATED with WEA Trust. int(0) int(300) I only had two warehouse jobs last year and a few weeks of unemployment I have no idea what this form is. int(0) ["max_image_width"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> Operated as a multi-bank platform. array(4) { ["image_full_width"]=> ["mime-type"]=> int(104) ["file"]=> int(1366) [3]=> array(4) { ["acceptable_w"]=> [3]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["height"]=> int(0) Model Portfolios Model Performance array(10) { } ["image_full_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> bool(false) int(300) ["max_image_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["width"]=> int(150) int(40715) bool(false) int(1920) The Registered Agent on file for this company is Dt Services, LLC and is located at 330 S Poplar Avenue Suite 103, Pierre, SD 57501. int(200) int(480) int(768) array(4) { Having a partner like Mid Atlantic Trust Company can help alleviate the administrative burdens of your IRA program. [7]=> int(696) int(300) Mid-Atlantic Finance Company Reviews. ["acceptable_h"]=> int(1) float(150) ["width"]=> int(300) Company Description:? [2]=> string(31) "ira_rollover_slider-480x389.jpg" } ["acceptable_w"]=> [4]=> ["width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["file"]=> ["mime-type"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> int(1400) ["mime-type"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["next_break"]=> int(209) int(2560) bool(false) This unique online system allows for the sorted and segmented around hundreds of data points to come up with a specific target list based on plan size, investment lineups, plan vendors, and more. int(575) [1]=> Open to family members, too! ["percent_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> int(900) ["width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> } array(6) { int(480) float(480) ["ratio"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> string(86) "" int(300) ["url"]=> array(5) { ["width"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["width"]=> array(10) { int(56965) Non-retirement (Personal Investment Account), Guaranteed Stable Investment Credited Rate of Return. int(300) int(480) int(667) ["mime-type"]=> string(73) "" The Trustee Custodian for the Personal Investment Accounts is Mid Atlantic Trust Company. Matrix Trust Company | Broadridge ["ratio"]=> int(0) ["max_image_width"]=> [3]=> 610-798-4926. ["width"]=> } ["acceptable_h"]=> array(6) { ["image_full_width"]=> int(900) int(900) int(518) ["ratio"]=> ["percent_width"]=> Retirement Planning & Wealth Management | American Trust ["max_image_width"]=> Automotive Sales Consultant (Honda West) - int(150) ["next_break"]=> 1251 Waterfront Place - Pittsburgh, PA 15222 - 412.391.7077 ["image_full_width"]=> I am so happy to have a company like WEA Member Benefitsgreat products, great service, very professional. ["url"]=> ["next_break"]=> } ["width"]=> ["height"]=> ["next_break"]=> [2]=> [0]=> } ["url"]=> int(200) int(696) } } [3]=> int(300) ["image_full_width"]=> [5]=> int(300) ["height"]=> string(73) "" ["file"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["width"]=> string(23) "GSI-article-150x104.jpg" int(0) int(1219) ["width"]=> Tags: IRA rules , IRA tax laws , tax . int(124001) Our state-of-the-art trading and reporting systems integrate directly into your recordkeeping or trust accounting system, making for fully electronic processing, settlement, and reporting of trades and transactions. ["width"]=> int(0) At Mid-Atlantic Planning Services, we specialize in helping companies effectively manage their 401 (k) plans and drive active participation among employees. ["mime-type"]=> int(265) int(432) string(9) "image/png" [0]=> ["filesize"]=> ["url"]=> } [2]=> float(300) ["width"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["url"]=> Operated as a multi-bank platform, DepositxChange processes daily plan deposit and withdrawal activity across participating banks, connecting them seamlessly with your record-keeping system. int(696) ["percent_width"]=> int(150) Collective Investment Trusts Retirement Cash Account Fund Search Lookup Partner Site TPA-level trust system access (Online Service Agreement Required for Access) 1099 information 1099 Forms - 2012 Online account access for plan sponsors and interested parties (InnoVue User Agreement Required for Access) TOS int(0) ["media_query"]=> [8]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["media_query"]=> } } int(480) Youth mental health Personalized care for kids Many children and teens experience mental, emotional, and substance use issues. ["ratio"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> yourMONEY - WEA Member Benefits ["width"]=> int(150) Manhattan (/ m n h t n, m n-/) is the most densely populated and geographically smallest of the five boroughs of New York City.The borough is also coextensive with New York County, one of the original counties of the U.S. state of New York.Located near the southern tip of New York State, Manhattan is based in the Eastern Time Zone and constitutes both the geographical and . ["file"]=> ["width"]=> bool(false) ["url"]=> int(1) int(397) [2]=> ["image_full_width"]=> [3]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> Consider all expenses before investing. int(0) [0]=> array(10) { string(89) "" array(10) { string(91) "" ["height"]=> int(0) (412) 391-7077. ["url"]=> ["width"]=> ["ratio"]=> I already filed my taxes then I suddenly today got a tax form in the mail. ["acceptable_h"]=> bool(false) ["acceptable_h"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute individualized investment, legal, financial, or tax advice. string(90) "" } These advisory services are provided for a fee. } int(696) int(178) } The life insurance program is offered and administered by Associates of Clifton Park. string(9) "image/png" They will verify your retirement account holder information and walk you through the login process. int(1) int(5500) int(696) PDF EFFECTIVE MARCH 18, 2020 AssetMark Disclosure Brochure - lfg int(0) int(150) [1]=> ["next_break"]=> That is why Mid Atlantic Trust Company provides an innovative set, of sophisticated financial products, technology and support services. ["height"]=> ["mime-type"]=> ["url"]=> Doing Business As: MID ATLANTIC FINANCE. Our plan prospecting tools help retirement advisors identify plan prospect opportunities within a specific geographical area. bool(false) ["width"]=> int(150) ["max_image_width"]=> Advantag ["percent_width"]=> int(150) int(300) int(100) string(86) "" int(560) array(10) { }, Emily Piehl Portillo | Verona Area School District, array(5) { } int(463) [1]=> [1]=> bool(false) float(1024) int(300) ["ratio"]=> int(480) ["url"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(300) ["mime-type"]=> ["width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> float(480) Unites Families 3. string(89) "" int(0) int(480) string(82) "" float(480) string(85) "" array(10) { ["file"]=> are dedicated to helping our business partners provide first-class service to their clientele. string(83) "" ["width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> string(34) "403b_plan-as171743928-300x200.jpeg" ["max_image_width"]=> ["url"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" array(10) { [1]=> Atlantic Trust Company N.A. Our success reflects a long-held philosophy of combining the ethic of relationship-centric customer service with a sharp focus on advancing technology to produce operational efficiencies and competitive advantages. } } [0]=> ["width"]=> ["url"]=> bool(false) Recordkeepers and Third-Party Administrators are operating under tremendous margin pressure, while also having to constantly upgrade and adapt their technology to win and retain new business. Mid-Atlantic - Land Trust Alliance ["height"]=> float(768) } ===========array(4) { [1]=> ===========array(8) { int(1400) float(300) int(1) } string(85) "" ["url"]=> int(150) int(0) MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY is a South Dakota Domestic business filed on July 27, 2010. ["max_image_width"]=> int(1366) int(1400) Mid Atlantic Trust Company is a leading financial services organization that provides a wide array of custody and trust services to a diverse national client base of financial advisors and institutions, asset managers, and benefits administrators. I never had any 401k or anything ever so idk what this could be. ["width"]=> ["url"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> string(89) "" The long-term care insurance program is administered by Associates of Clifton Park. int(1400) ["file"]=> int(0) string(31) "ira_rollover_slider-150x122.jpg" ["height"]=> } MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY :: South Dakota (US) - OpenCorporates string(9) "image/png" int(480) ["url"]=> string(29) "art_contest_2023-1-150x87.png" The terms and conditions of your coverage are exclusively controlled by your written policy. ["next_break"]=> array(10) { int(0) string(31) "ira_rollover_slider-300x243.jpg" int(243) Get a D&B Hoovers Free Trial. string(34) "your_winter2023_slider-150x122.jpg" ===========array(5) { ["url"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["width"]=> Clients should consult their own tax, legal and accounting advisors before making any decisions. Check the background of this firm and our investment professionals on FINRAs BrokerCheck. ["acceptable_w"]=> int(1) string(78) "" int(480) ["filesize"]=> state-of-the-art trading and reporting systems, integrate directly into recordkeeping or trust accounting system. ["mime-type"]=> }, array(10) { array(5) { ["filesize"]=> int(0) int(696) ["percent_width"]=> int(0) ["width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor, member FINRA/SIPC. ["image_full_width"]=> int(0) Careers - EdgeCo Holdings ["url"]=> } ["image_full_width"]=> We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Saturday, 10/15 from 6:00AM - 12:00PM ET. Allentown, PA 18103 ["height"]=> } ["width"]=> ["file"]=> int(696) [3]=> ===========array(5) { } } int(174) bool(false) ["url"]=> array(10) { New 401(k) Composite Benchmark Report Helps Advisors Analyze - PRWeb Mid Atlantic Capital Group int(0) Key Principal: Alex Meyers See more contacts Industry: Trusts, nec. ["ratio"]=> Sun CLOSED. ["width"]=> ["media_query"]=> } bool(false) ["media_query"]=> ["next_break"]=> } ["url"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> [0]=> 330 South Poplar Avenue. int(150) At Mid-Atlantic Planning Services, we specialize in helping companies effectively manage their 401(k) plans and drive active participation among employees. Explore a wide range of apps, podcasts, articles, and resources to help you thrive in mind, body, and spirit. int(900) ["media_query"]=> int(0) array(3) { string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-300x200.png" ["media_query"]=> array(3) { int(1400) ["ratio"]=> int(0) DepositxChange is our FDIC eligible daily deposit product that offers a competitive alternative to money market funds for plan participant investment menus. string(37) "Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-150x89.jpg" 4,200,070 reviews on ConsumerAffairs are verified. int(1400) ["width"]=> The Personal Investment Account Program is offered by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. bool(false) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> int(1400) ["percent_width"]=> int(696) } string(73) "" } ["url"]=> int(5479) int(480) ["percent_width"]=> int(1) ["width"]=> bool(false) ["percent_width"]=> int(1400) int(0) int(768) ["url"]=> int(518) [1]=> } ["image_full_width"]=> int(696) ["media_query"]=> int(0) ["image_full_width"]=> Individual is a current client of WEA Financial Advisors, Inc. at the time of this statement. ["ratio"]=> [3]=> If your employees want additional guidance, we also offer comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services. int(0) } int(1280) ["media_query"]=> ["width"]=> ["width"]=> int(150) } array(10) { array(10) { ["mime-type"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["url"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(1400) ["url"]=> int(1400) ["percent_width"]=> int(150) Mid Atlantic Trust Company filed as a Foreign Financial Institution in the State of Texas on Monday, October 28, 2013 and is approximately ten years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.A corporate filing is called a foreign filing when an existing corporate entity files in a state other than the state they originally filed in. ["image_full_width"]=> ["url"]=> ["height"]=> int(0) array(10) { string(90) "" ["acceptable_h"]=> [6]=> int(1024) } int(1) string(73) "" [4]=> ["width"]=> int(480) [0]=> int(768) [0]=> int(1) ["percent_width"]=> int(300) bool(false) Through their dedication to innovation, integrity and desire to help people achieve a successful financial outcome, American Trust has been a leader in the industry for decades. int(5500) Find out how Vanguard can provide for a variety of your family's trust needs. int(1) As an independent firm with no proprietary products to sell or sales quotas to meet, we are able to give you objective financial guidance and investment recommendations. ["width"]=> Mid-Atlantic Finance Co, Inc Company Profile | Clearwater, FL

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