0 g California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 22. WebTitle 22 Survey Workbook 2016. 0000018860 00000 n A copy of an official bank statement, certificate of deposit, etc. Safety and Security Checklist. /Tx BMC However, there is no significant change from the 2016 requirements to what is still required in this section. Khi c tc p[]. Email: MediaInquiry@partneresi.com. /Helv 7.494 Tf %%EOF %PDF-1.6 % The 2021 ALTA Requirements will become effective on Tuesday, February 23, 2021. /Size 106 /Prev 86436 EMC WebINITIAL SURVEY CHECKLIST Name Facility Date Form Completed (MM/dd/yyyy) Street Address City County Zip Code The following items will be reviewed during the initial licensing survey and tour of the facility. 21. WebFlood Boundary Delineation Survey Checklist Title 18E.70.030 B Project Name: Survey must have a scale bar, legend and north arrow. Please scrutinize the 2021 ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Requirements as a commercial real estate industry professional. 0000011634 00000 n WebTitle 22 California Code of Regulations Division 5 . Please provide your full e-mail address. Through the SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor) mobile inspection app, facility security professionals can use this smart checklist to: Facility Security Assessment Checklist | SafetyCulture. <> (Y) Tj n BT (Y) Tj Assisted Living and Memory Care Membership Application, Washington State Universitys Senior Living Management Program, Explore Careers Experiential Learning Opportunity, Southern California Culinary Knockout Competition, Senior Living Leadership Development Series. /Tx BMC C. Lines of Possession, and Improvements along the Boundaries: The 2016 requirements in part include the location of improvements within 5 feet of each side of the boundary lines. 1. Records Research, 5. /Info 69 0 R Application Procedures cont. Mail your pre-licensing checklist to the assigned analyst and they will make arrangements to conduct 0000012144 00000 n Clients often misunderstood the scope of this item often they only want the boundaries of these appurtenant easements depicted, which is already required as part of the minimum standards, rather than also the improvements within the easements which is the purpose of this Table A item. A chemical facility possesses its own unique set of threats, as opposed to those of a school building, federal facility, or marine port. /Tx BMC Her 5-year experience in one of the worlds leading business news organisations helps enrich the quality of the information in her work. catch(e){var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M331907ScriptRootC264917");}var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=264917;c[ac](dv); /Helv 8.7189 Tf 0 g EMC ET paint markings) if observed in the field, and the surveyor is to include a note as to the source of such markings or to indicate if the source is unknown. ET 1. Structure type: C. Size (usable square feet per floor): D. Number of floors: /Tx BMC endstream endobj 200 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF]>>>>stream 4/8/22. To ensure the effectiveness of facility or physical security assessments, FSOs should consider these key points in a facility security assessment checklist: Every facility will have its own infrastructure and vulnerabilities to its security program. Records Research, 5. 2 1.9465 Td /Tx BMC \4s8Gj':s,[FR; c2K(!or9L5('X#Qdd4DP_+m Vfx&QB0d$ 7-!6cZJj0"ZT hb```5\@(an^ O=+RJ~&8e4KE7nlay ORD Survey Files - Office QAQC Checklist. Age: B. The following regulations contain those sections of the California Code of Regulations, Title 22 administered by CDSS (Divisions 2 and 6 only). Also new to the 2021 ALTA Standards is that the survey will need to include tax parcel numbers for adjoining lands (if available) only for non-platted lands. (in the name of the licensee) providing current balances Tip 0000002874 00000 n Safety Security Checklist Template. Its an integral part of our business practice. This is an introduction to help industry professionals understand the expectations that the new title surveys will provide. This revision has clarified many issues and will likely be the brunt of causing some unforeseen ones. /Tx BMC Some building administrators find it effective to conduct full facility security assessments annually, while others may prefer twice a year. EMC 0000003396 00000 n In the 2021 ALTA Standards, the client now clearly has the option to negotiate with the surveyor (prior to the authorization of the survey) the exact wording of any of the optional table A items. 0000003887 00000 n EMC endstream endobj 212 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 204 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF]>>>>stream Click the link below for title and survey review in Ohio and take a look at the Related Content for some of the other jurisdictions we offer. z eBl`64,m=YD;Vp044 10A1w40tP" 3\80c3bb\V#{-FmfLd`R b q/Ja`[0 ? How Does Cleaning Verification Sampling Work. /Helv 8.5137 Tf 0 g These new requirements will supersede all prior versions. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function(){ Table A optional item 11 has been modified to only allow two choices for the client. ; Food Services; Health-Related Services and Conditions; Dementia; Enforcement; Administrative Actions General; Administrator Certification Training Programs Vendor Information. (Y) Tj H@9831Eb,DDB'^K@x:%))vN@ GQW`:+q,#M)ewmfjlUp*' !,T EMC EMC celebrity wifi packages cost. BT 0000000016 00000 n for example to note that they touch or are on the surveyed premises. - Foster Family Homes, Sec 89228 thru 89261, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 9.5, Art 2 (Cont. (in the name of the licensee) providing current balances Tip <> EMC 2 3.2802 Td By using it, they can find areas needing attention and make corrections accordingly. Plat or Map, 7. California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 22. hb```f``Ab,+ &xI][uqom{xZ>32n^~iC{NJy9'`\P; Qgy}w^^gY/:/W+nrqs{g].(((T< , d/r 5`e'$a`5&\7e&Nf.be\%&%'sc %pRM312j!Jd`AX2iB&(x!0~2W*I?CsbM*zu%l'6mb>+00+ x{!1J Z 0 g 0 g 4. 88 0 obj H, 0 g It is only practicable to consult inhabitants of the facility to get valuable insights on aspects, such as security policies, building access paths, current protocols, and history of theft incidents. - Subchapter 1, Art 4 - Group Homes, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 5, Subchapter 1, Art 5-7 - Group Homes, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 5, Subchapter 2 - Group Homes, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 5, Subchapter 2 (cont) - Group Homes, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 6 - Adult Residential Facilities, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 6.1 - Community Crisis Homes, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 7 - Transitional Housing Placement Program, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 7.3, Art 1-3 (Cont. /Tx BMC Duty Hour Requirements - 2022 Revision. 0 g /Helv 8.7189 Tf 0 g /Helv 7.494 Tf 0 ET 2. endstream endobj 509 0 obj <>stream This checklist provides step-by-step guidance for obtaining and reviewing the owner's and lender's title insurance policies and American Land Title Association (ALTA) surveys in a purchase and sale and/or financing transaction for commercial real estate located in Texas. CHECKLIST ON ACP CLASSIFICATION SURVEYS SLC comparison of the applicable requirements contained within Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subchapters D and I to the similar applicable regulations contained in NVIC 2-95, to survey ABS-Classed vessels for compliance with the following statutory instruments: ORD Survey Files - Preliminary QAQC Checklist. If you have any questions regarding maintenance or distribution of these regulations, contact the Office of Regulations Development by e-mail at ord@dss.ca.gov. These checklists provide step-by-step guidance for obtaining and reviewing owner's and lender's title insurance policies and ALTA surveys in a variety of states. ET Part III. endstream endobj 196 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream (Y) Tj BT The path is again re-paved, same as it was in direction, but with a bright new surface. endstream endobj startxref stream %%EOF These headings are 1. %PDF-1.5 % BT BT We look forward to answering your questions and helping you on your next project. HtVn8u{LwEo[CVm6]dixvl+1v' dB2/f}>3.Rd!) T)Lex@@?eIh63.S#fP|}XR"[URWwP}}zjz.e2KZN"gYllLugGu[{p3a}m`o>-=. When the pre-licensing checklist is complete and all items have been met, contact the Regional Office analyst assigned to process your application. Optional item 10a has changed numbering to just item 10. EMC Response to threats, incidents, and breaches, Physical inspections (internal and external). Two top tips are to walk the edges of the room and walk either side of obstacles. ET Title b. Documen tation related to COVID -19 testing, which may include the facilitys testing plan, logs of county level positivity rates (before 09- 10- 2021) and the level of community transmission (after 09- 10-2021) , testing schedules, list of s taff who have confirmed or suspected cases of COVID -19 The 2021 ALTA Standards Optional Table A item 11a and b now remove the choice for the client to ask the surveyor to contact the 811 locate requests. Safety Security Checklist. 862 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[837 43]/Info 836 0 R/Length 122/Prev 326146/Root 838 0 R/Size 880/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream BT The changes referenced in the 2021 ALTA Requirements have no major differences from that of 2016. WebProvide both the title company and the surveyor with: the name and contact information for each other, the vested title owner, borrower (if not the vested title holder), lender, counsel for each party, and any zoning report vendor; the street address, legal description, and tax parcel identification numbers of the real estate; Web22. 310.615.4500 phone, East Coast Headquarters As in the 2016 requirements, observed evidence of utilities is a requirement in section 5.E iv and is not an optional requirement. What Should a Facility Security Assessment Checklist Include? 3. WebWhat is a symptoms survey for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)? /Helv 7.494 Tf 0 ): F. Other (comments): 7. EMC The surveyor is to note any potential encroachments of these utility poles, cross member, or overhangs but is excluded to indicate a legal opinion as to who may own or the nature of the encroachment. These insights will make it easier for FSOs to devise a security plan that best suits the facilitys occupants. /Helv 8.7189 Tf 0 g By using it, they can find areas needing attention and make corrections accordingly. ; Personnel; Resident Assessments, Fundamental Services and Rights; Resident Records. WebTitle 22 California Code of Regulations Division 5 . /Helv 7.494 Tf The first choice for the client, Optional Table A item 11a can be selected if the client has existing plans of the utility locations and they are provided to the surveyor for their plotting on the survey. This is important because it will determine what the questionnaire is about. A survey is a list of questions aiming to extract a set of desired data or opinions from a particular group of people. endobj These checklists provide step-by-step guidance for obtaining and reviewing owner's and lender's title insurance policies and ALTA surveys in a variety of states. Scale: 1 = 30 or as approved by Board Engineer 4. 0000012704 00000 n 1 1 113.028 10.797 re WebTitle 22. endstream endobj 211 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream BT Administrative policies and procedures including, but not limited to: 2. %PDF-1.4 (X) Tj One element of an effective ergonomics program for the prevention of WMSDs is to ask. WebNursing Home Help | Sponsored By Sinclair School of Nursing A copy of an official bank statement, certificate of deposit, etc. These headings are 1. /Tx BMC The structure change made it easy for all to determine what records are to be specifically provided. 2 3.2802 Td endstream endobj 207 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF]>>>>stream Application Procedures cont. Definitions and Forms; License; Application Procedures, Part II However, there is a new inclusion for utility location markings (ex. Background Check cont. ET READ NOW . Mail your pre-licensing checklist to the assigned analyst and they will make arrangements to conduct (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-20250555-3', 'caassistedliving.org'); ga('send', 'pageview'); /Tx BMC Hotel Multi-Scope Pre-Acquisition Due Diligence and Construction Management D.C. ATP Testing, Large National Bank - 150 US sites, Vapor Intrusion / Encroachment Assessment, Large Tract Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Pre-lease Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Energy, Sustainability and Resilience Consulting, Environmental Health and Safety EHS and Regulatory Compliance, Construction Inspections and Quality Testing. 310.615.4500phone, East Coast Headquarters hTQo0~G'[ 2A`3iZPUk6(:5 }x1 $P|$0B-u#0?@ejb CT\o"qDB'p(MN. var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//jsc.mgid.com/t/a/tailieuvan.vn.264917.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);})(); (function(){ WebTitle Insurance and Survey Review Checklist (TX) Summary. BT 732.380.1700 phone, General Info (X) Tj Online California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 2 and 6 only. /Helv 8.7189 Tf 0 g endstream endobj 214 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream workers questions about their health. var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:'; WebIf further clarification is needed, please refer to the Title 22 regulation sections referenced. I. 3. Background Check cont. !L(81 pGhy`-n& Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA) Checklist, A port facility security assessment (PFSA) checklist aids port facility security officers (PFSOs) in conducting a risk analysis of all. 2 3.2802 Td /Helv 7.494 Tf The 2021 ALTA Standards now also include the extended location of utility poles within 10 feet of any surveyed property line per the instructions below in easements and servitudes. Partner is a full-service engineering, environmental and energy consulting and design firm. endstream endobj 195 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream )- 7 - Crisis Nurseries, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 8, Art 1-3(Cont.) 4/8/22. 611 Industrial Way W. Eatontown, NJ 07724, Partner is your source for understanding the science of real estate.. The title review process identifies who owns the subject property and helps a prospective buyer understand the full extent of real estate rights affecting the property. More than just assessments. 4/8/22. Because an FSA requires an expansive review of a facility, a checklist would be a helpful guide in ensuring that all details would be checked and no major components would be missed. Resident Records cont. For platted adjoining lands, tax parcel numbers are not included, but the survey is to include recording data of the subdivision which is the same as the 2016 standards. 0000010866 00000 n BUILDING DESCRIPTION: A. For Narcotic Treatment Programs, Title 22 also refers and ties into CCR Title 9. Please note that 11b would likely be an expensive item to complete and typically would benefit a design survey (a survey used by a civil engineer or architect to provide design drawings for changes to the property). ORD Survey - ROW and Property Line Justification Template. If selected these offsite benefitting easements would have all of the improvements located on them and shown on the survey pursuant to all of the current ALTA Standards. /Tx BMC WebTitle Insurance and Survey Review Checklist (TX) Summary. >> The 2021 ALTA Standards changed the outline of the content in this section so that the information contained therein presents a clearer understanding. EMC /Helv 8.5137 Tf 0 g ORD Survey Files - SS2 Conversion Checklist. West Coast Headquarters 84 0 obj endstream endobj 206 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF]>>>>stream E. Measurement Standards: This requirement pertains only to the surveyors fieldwork measurements for locating evidence of property corner monuments called Relative Positional Precision. Thank you! 237 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<52706A097F76CA953BD3A826B54B25A7><518FA3A33483244FA5585082C8A7E86E>]/Index[190 92]/Info 189 0 R/Length 157/Prev 172792/Root 191 0 R/Size 282/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The foremost objective of facility security assessments is to protect people; property comes next. xc```|P fDX`N>,8& [ W 0 g BT 2. Deliverables, and Table A Optional Survey Responsibilities and Specifications. <>stream Plat or Map, 7. - RCFE, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 8, Art 3(Cont.)-6(Cont.) )- 6 (Cont.) 1. EMC The 2021 ALTA Standards show the nine parts of a complete 2021 ALTA Survey in an outline format. endstream endobj 215 0 obj <>stream K[_(zqdCUCb;z9yf>PV>F?Vn1>|o"qC$hqE'Igu-yJ yr(](1o WebState regulations require that you file a change of ownership, per Title 22, Section 74667, in the following circumstances: California Association for Health Services at Home y 3780 Rosin Court, Suite 190, Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 641-5795 Fax (916) 641-5881 www.cahsah.org 4/8/22. WebTitle V Property Survey - Federal Property Information Checklist (Rev. With SafetyCulture, the worlds #1 mobile inspection app, security professionals can build smart, intuitive facility security assessment checklists to help them catch loopholes early on and recommend necessary security controls. There are tweaks in wording to the certification section. /Helv 7.494 Tf :/}68Kt a:Iu Vo{}$qx6n}`5&La)|- Go37b]E!m5~Zy7[/xQ\x.^m /3.&^g^4nh$]_kDMOdjLn } i"U\zGR7 g@v62) N$7-/H|nn$ -q-8~ohC$-Y\ wS p5}uSdc_j{z',zJ?x:Jq ?Gi"Xf `IO:LmOV4 oQ+I0UF {M7,0EG 1. Records Research, 5. ET Deliverables, and Table A Optional Survey Responsibilities and Plat or Map, 7. (Y) Tj WebIf further clarification is needed, please refer to the Title 22 regulation sections referenced. The second choice, Optional Table A item 11b, is if the client wants the surveyor to coordinate with a private utility locating company to mark the existence of underground utilities, and then show these markings and utilities on the survey plat. Structure type: C. Size (usable square feet per floor): D. Number of floors: endstream endobj 208 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF]>>>>stream 190 0 obj <> endobj If you have any questions regarding maintenance or distribution of these regulations, contact the Office of Regulations Development by e-mail at ord@dss.ca.gov . endobj - RCFE, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 8, Art 6(Cont.)-9(Cont.) Surveying Standards and Standard of Care, 4. endstream WebHHA for the first 3 months [Title 22 CCR section 74661 (a)(6)] including: 1. EMC 4/8/22. In order to satisfy the update requirements, a new field date on or after February 23 will have to be added to the survey. E. Legal constraints (right of entry, covenants, permits, licenses, etc. The 2021 ALTA Standards also allow the surveyor, if they wish, to provide an opinion as to the effect of these matters but are limited to the effect being based solely on the provided description of the document. Request for Survey, 3. (359) Tj Date of original preparation and date(s) of revision c. North arrow and reference meridian d. This guide is designed to help licensees perform periodic self-assessments of their facilitys operation. endstream endobj 506 0 obj <> endobj 507 0 obj <> endobj 508 0 obj <>stream ORD Survey - ROW and Property Line Justification Template. WebHealth and Safety Code (HSC) and Title 22, CCR. This submittal request is not for hiring inquiries or solicitations and therefore will not be routed. We use cookies to provide necessary website functionality and improve your experience. Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 (RAI Manual) Version 1.1 7.1 October 201 9. 11/89) Page 1. Surveying Standards and Standard of Care, 4. This new standard is the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys. WebTitle 22 Survey Workbook 2016. 2 2.407 Td Deliverables, and Table A Optional Survey Responsibilities and Surveying Standards and Standard of Care, 4. /Helv 8.7189 Tf 0 g 4Gik2,wu8XE{nvP0I@D7!Lm< b?RKdZ?si?2r[DNN!U1O~^gFsjYn27+r3nL79H6WWH 1 - Strongly Disagree2 - Disagree3 - Neutral 4 - Agree 5 - Strongly Agree IndicatorsItems 1 2 3 4 5 ASSESSMENT1. New 2021 ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Requirements, Various Parks for Monmouth County Park System, Georgian Court University Athletic Fields, Vapor Intrusion / Vapor Encroachment Assessments, Foreclosure Environmental Site Assessment, Limited Environmental Due Diligence Products, Pre-lease Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report, NJ Licensed Site Remediation Professional, Alternative Financing for Energy Projects, Energy Infrastructure Project Development, Owner's Representation for Energy Projects, Utility and Government Program Management, Streetscapes and Urban Landscape Architecture, Construction Staking and Site Layout Surveys, Lead Paint Inspection and Risk Assessment, Workers Compensation Cost Control Programs, Hazard Communication / Right to Know Compliance, New Jersey Community Right to Know Services, New Jersey Right to Know Public School Services, Investment Risk Assessments, Royal Bank Plaza - Canada, Independent Engineering for Floating Solar PV - Healdsburg, CA, Facility Condition Assessments, Construction Risk Management - Florida, Hazardous Materials Assessment, Multifamily - Sacramento, CA, Nationwide Multi-Disciplinary Services for Carvana Portfolio, Bundled Due Diligence, Panera Bread 26 States. endstream endobj 210 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF]>>>>stream endstream endobj 198 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 513 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5C2969B7D2A5DF28E5EDE018D11B99BD>]/Index[505 20]/Info 504 0 R/Length 59/Prev 369962/Root 506 0 R/Size 525/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream This guide is designed to help licensees perform periodic self-assessments of their facilitys operation. View select projects highlighting Partners services. Copyright 2023 CALA All rights reserved. Web22. In 2016 standards, this item required the surveyor to locate evidence of wetland flagging as was previously conducted by a wetlands expert, hired by the client, and to indicate the perimeter of the flagging on the survey. Preferred for most sophisticated real estate transactions is a preliminary commit-ment for title insurance prepared using the American Land Title Association (ALTA) form. It helps define the necessary solutions to achieve their desired future state of security through a Facility Security Plan (FSP). 0000007423 00000 n The changes to these parts will be outlined below. As noted above, utility poles are to be located within 10 feet of the surveyed property. )1l[1gCc|-a(|8a(98G{8NH/Ph@9" G1r$pdObW4AO9Or5A^GhQ_$>\c{>-]&R_a"zV[WaJL`UD/Gg7Yg!03&+qv,4M>jgV(VaV3:|:.#M6Px7Mj>-yCI93iji#CDJa0$tRez;/ ; Personnel; Resident Assessments, Fundamental Services and Rights; Resident Records. 0000011751 00000 n /Tx BMC Certification, 8. /Tx BMC (1) title iii programs - program and service provider requirements article 5. title iii c-elderly nutrition program s 7630. definitions. ; Personnel; Resident Assessments, Fundamental Services and Rights; Resident Records, Part IV DO NOT WAIVE CHARGES 22. hbbd```b`` "@$S>dfB"Pr7X,8plR0[L*Hn)`Yq),k$ c^d?XC2}``O2#@ i#D Bi lm Fieldwork, 6. catch(e){var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M331907ScriptRootC243064");}var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=243064;c[ac](dv); Wireless surveys identify the ideal number and location of access points as well as any sources of radio interference. Title 22, Div 6, Chap 10 - Temporary Management or Adult Community Care Facilities and RCFEs, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 11 - Enhanced Behavioral Supports Homes, Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 1, Art 1-2 - General Licensing Requirements, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 1, Art 3-4 - General Licensing Requirements, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 1, Art 5-6 - General Licensing Requirements, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 1, Art 7-8 - General Licensing Requirements, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 2, Art 1-2 - Social Rehabilitation Facilities, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 2, Art 3-4 - Social Rehabilitation Facilities, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 2, Art 5-6 - Social Rehabilitation Facilities, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 2, Art 7-8 - Social Rehabilitation Facilities, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 3 - Adult Day Programs, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 4 - Small Family Homes, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 5, Art 1-6 - Group Homes, Title 22, Div 6, Chap 5, Art 6 (Cont.)