God bless. I served in the army at comm sites at Utapao Korat, and Hill 272 Sattahip. I believe I was in the 379th Signal Battalion while in Sattahip. He was Avionics Maintenance but Im not sure of the squadron Name. Using that argument and other documents, BVA ruled in my favor and Ordered VA to rethink their denial for all those years. I didnt find out that they used agent orange on our base till a few years ago. Went to Yokota for a few weeks in Jan 1966. Even did a day trip to Vietnam to repair and load 25k loaders on a C141 before the fall of Saigon. But I found it. During the Vietnam War, the United States military used an herbicide called Agent Orange as a defoliant in Vietnam and on the perimeters of certain Royal Thai Air Force Bases in Thailand. Willing to share anything to help another. Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has. Some inventive personnel kept our readiness at high levels maintence officer had a buddy in Saigon that got us an extra B model Huey used to shag parts and beer. Hello Donald, My name is Pablo Quinones. I served at Udorn in 68-69 on flightline as an instrument technician . IWCS TERMINAL , JOINTLY MANNED BY US ARMY AND PHILCO FORD CONTRACTORS . I know that he was transferred to Clark AFB Medical Center for wounds he sustained purportedly in a bar fight. I was in the airforce 1971 to 1975. My late brother Thomas David Coovert took care of the F100s there, and was at Da Nang before that, during his first tour taking care of the F4 Phantoms. (TDY Supporting the Airlift mission in SVN while I was stationed at Okinawa). They claim agent orange was not used in Thailand which we know is a lie. We on a regular basis ran our engines on the trim pad down by the perimeter. Heart attack and by-pass in 1999,Gaul Bladder removal,Prostate cancer,Rheumatoid Arthritis,two operations for blocked arteries in leg,Cysts in groin. Sent another request for reconsideration in 2022, it takes months awaiting that response.Problem is I do not have copies of TDY orders from 50 years ago. Nor can I find any mention of the USAFSS. Aircraft mechanic. I see that he had to drive the perimeter with the flatbead trucks full of bombs from the MSA that often got covered in the dust from the roads. When I first arrived at Utapao in late 1969 the klong had lots of vegetation growing along the banks. The US deployment came home in 75, but the Thais around the areas of the bases were exposed to it continuously then and since. I have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease (two heart-attacks). The whole camp was defoliated to build the camp. I was in the 311th Air Commando Sq/311th Special Ops Sq July 68 to July 69 as a Loadmaster on C-123Ks, SSgt. Have 5 AO connected diseasesbeen denied for every one. I moved from the storage section over to the motor pool in the bomb dump. Categories: Content, US, Vietnam, Vietnam War | Does anyone have absulute proof that agent orange was sprayed from aircraft at NKP in 1971, I need this info to prove that I was sprayed. It was changed over to USSTRATCOM I think late 1971. He was T/SGT Walter J. Dont give up. I hear all of you who have served and are not getting satisfaction for compensation/treatment for related Agent Orange conditions. I only have a couple of pictures from that time. The Cardiologist said the stroke was caused by atrial fibrillation of his heart, then the lower chambers gave out. We were on the southeast side of the airfield next to an engineer company. Whenever my aircraft was scheduled for periodic maintenance, I would get to go along with it to Nha Trang (later Phan Rang) to keep an eye on it while maintenance was being performed. My husband was stationed at Ubon RTAF How will I replace you. I smartly saluted the Major and assured him my mission flying times were over. The beach is beautiful, quite and peaceful. HAVE A APPEAL IN, LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT WORK IN MY SECTION. Thanks! He passed in 2013. Served on the LORAN station at Sattahip, Thailand. (page 1). BachMa Mt has been excavated & they found the BloodChit Bobby had in his Flight jacket that day but no remains. I was 62E20, heavy equipment operator. I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. warin thailand east of the ubon air base. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB in Feb. 1967 and did TDY to Korat RTAFB for 180 days returned to state side Feb. 1968. Lt Col Joe Jackson, MOH was my squadron Commander. We were also stationed at Clark Air Base in the Philippines from 1964 to 66. Also made TDYs to NKP, Ubon, Korat, and even to Tui Wah (sp) Viet Nam. The eyewitness accounts also claim this was the standard route to the air bases in Thailand. info on my precise site and barracks locations? Only the DNA Has turned a pebble not a stone. Youll find pictures, history and a roster of many who served. I was stationed at Ramasun Station from January 1968 to January 1969. jeudi 27 dcembre 2018, Veuillez noter qu'il manque certaines pages, parties de page ou cahiers de la version ne-numrique du journal La Tribune des annes 2006 2008.Sherbrooke :La tribune lte,1910- Charlie has so many of the same issues. I was stationed at Phan Rang AB from May 1968 to May 1969 with the 35th Field Maintenance Squadron. Took 13 yrs to get VA to accept AO claim. My brother Joseph M Ferraro was in Vietnam in 1968-69. I often played trumpet with the band The Jugglers at the Sampan Club downtown when I wasnt working the night shift. Mostly performimng perimeter security in towers and bunkers. Over the years of this writers service at the Library of Congress, veterans and their families have sent me questions about maps that show the locations of U.S. forces in Thailand during the Vietnam War. I want to be independent. We all were exposed due to winds, aircraft movements so the VAs claim of perimeter exposure is their way to throw us under the bus. It worked find but use did not last. Let me put in a plug for a book, The Grotto, about life flying helicopters out of Phu Bai. IBM, they do assist me in getting the disability essentials needed to help my wife and Primary Caregiver take care of me. We didnt receive combat pay but we did our jobs for the war. As part of the US withdrawal from Vietnam, the base was turned over to South Vietnam. I was stationed at Camp Vayama, Sattahip, Thailand. (USAF photo, via B.E.S. It seems to me that if MKP was sprayed with agent orange An aircrew member that has info on this should speakup. I, myself, have not suffered from exposure there, but several of my colleagues and good friends from that period have died from complications due to Agent Orange, and several others still fight the ongoing process of the exposure. Stationed in 31st Field Hospital Korat 65-66. The Phan Rang Air Base collection is part of our User Contributed My Dad (David) was there from 66 67 as an Air Force medic, he worked for a small group commanded an Army COL Salucci. Does anyone remember this? Go to https://www.militaryvideo.com/ to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 60-minute DVD documents Air Force activities at Phan Rang Air Base between 1966 and 1970. Operation Ranch Hand was a U.S. military operation during the Vietnam War, lasting from 1962 until 1971. Wish me luck. Going to start my investigation into applying for AO funds before things get worse and its too late. No idea where to start gathering evidence to help support my claim. They paid the locals to keep their fields low. A lot of our photos/doucments have been uploaded to Ancestry.com. Read his blog and hopefully he can provide some information I am looking for . I came down with large cell B cell non hodgkins lymphoma and it damned near killed me. My second post was the Bomb and munitions dump. Survived many Rocket Attacks. Thank you for your time. I was part of the launch crews (sat on edge of flight line where vegetation was dead or dying. My question: What are the duties my brother most likely carried out? Those of us that lived in the hooches while there we were in the AO drift zone. When I retired from the Army I followed his example. My name is Reggie. I was stationed Udorn RTAFB 74-75 Corrosion Control, flight line and beyond. Im surprised there is absolutely no discussion on the impact of Agent Orange on the Thai public. Our army base was right there next to them with only a chainlink fence between us, yet every Air Force guy was eligible for benefits and we Army guys arent unless you were an MP. Thankfully, he is still around. My husband served at the Korat air base in 1970. I prepared a 72 page sworn affidavit with 72 pages of proof of HERBICIDE exposure at all the four bases I was assigned. I was stationed at Happy Valley from September 1970 until May 1971. Lots of memories of off shift evenings at the Airmans Club, the outdoor theater for USO shows and later the newly opened 21 Club. From an air base we were taken by helicopter to a smaller base close to the Mekong. and near ubon rtafb.there were full cambat operations in this area, f4 phantoms from ubon attacked targets in n vietnam s vietnam and laos. I,m 90% disabled & will help any way I can. The set, however,has a significant limitation: It was printed in 1960 and thus predates the arrival of most American military personnel to Thailand. Filed VA claim in 2005 was denied Thanks. While one can see the locations of Thai military facilities, absent are installations and perimeter defenses that may have been added later by American forces. NIH says that on of the possible causes for IBM is contact with a Toxic Substance I believe the seed for IBM for me was planted 68/69 while stationed at Korat and flying cobat mission in Vietnam. We left just after Jack Trimble was shot down. Takhli was being reopened at time and the conditions were deplorable. as an Agent Orange servive connected disability. One evening the area was looted to some degree by several industrious Vietnamese as one part of the perimeter paralleled the outside of the base and the adjoining village. I pray everyone is well and they get their ratings. And looking for anyone that was stationed during that time. I have been turned down more than once for benefits. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. The set is held by the Geography and Map Division butdoes not appear in thelibrarys onlinecatalog a not so uncommon reality given the scope of the divisions some 5.5 million items. I shot all four involved in that my SPs M16 was jammed and I had a half clip of twenty bullets used 9 to kill all four, the Thai army took care of the NV soldiers in town. Most of the time the conversations were pleasant. Pic of F-100 is a Guard figher, My Husband, CSM Charles Floyd, 1969-1970, at LZ Nancy, in 77th Armor. This would help NKP vets. Every base was sprayed. I would suggest starting at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1894942467450627 , asking for advice and going from there. Please email me with any info, also any contact inf on LT Col Dillard or Lt Garry urbanowitz. I am 73 years old now and need to file for disability. I do believe that some health issues I have may be AO related. shop that were run down off base by a dump truck. It was a old Golf Course up in the mountains. We were not a combat unit, but was exposed to Agent Orange! He was in 1980 Comm Sq at Tahkli as a Comm Control Specialist in 1966. I have maps and I explained every detail that I could think of wish me luck! Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. Fire Control Specialist on AC-130A/AC-130H Gunships. List of U.S. bases in Thailand, I note that there was a USMC deployment during the Kennedy presidency, which likely predates the use of Agent Orange, but I cannot be absolutely certain. EVERY VA case that was filed with the VA relative to your search will come up. I believe the later was for tracking flights. 180 ".keeping the memories . I do this all from my disability income. I was based at Korat In 1969 and I have non-Hodgkins lymphoma. 3. I was there in 1970 with the 35th Security Police. Spent many days and night working launch and recovery of the F4s. The Last Fight of your Squadron Commander was unique they stopped after turning off the runway, and tied him to an external bomb rack, so he came in to the Last Flight fire-hose ceremony lashed to the bomb rack of his Canberra! [22], A No. Need help with claim . Hope to hear from you. Looking for anyone who may have served with Jackie Cash USAF, Mechanic Crew Chief 1965-1966 loading and unloading barrels of agent orange and flying spraying missions over nam. It is very readable. TDY to Korat from Sept 72 until March 73 working on the Wild Weasels from McConnel. I have filed with the VAMC, had an interview, and was told my squamous cell carcinoma was not on the list. Hmm still classified? I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. This second edition waspublished by USARPAC (United States Army Pacific) onNovember 1, 1969. I am also looking for any pictures or information about Michael Corbin and James (Jimmy) Corbin. My brother Maj Bobby M Jones MD, USAF Flight Surgeon, was stationed in Udorn Thailand Sept 1972 Nov 28 2972. Best of luck to those in pursuit of a fair settlement. VA does not recognize IBM Looking for any info on when the 354 th TFS was there at that time to prove boots on the ground. Trying to get help for my x-husband.Thanks. Phan Rang AB News No. He was a star athlete & coached high school track until 4 yrs ago. I just filed a claim for hypothyroidism due to agent orange. Had some great guys in our hootch . And yet no mention of any submarines in the War Zone despite sailors having been awarded the Vietnam Service Medal with Bronze star. Veterans, So far my atty its winning my case-Ischemic heart disease from exposure to herbicides at Udorn RTAFB-APR 69-APR70. Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) or basic description (truck driver, mechanic, pilot etc) I was there 1969-1970 as hydraulic mechanic. Installations and Facilities, Bangkok, Thailand,1 November, 1969. I was stationed at Utapao in 1972-73 and Korat and Ubon in 73-74. No one knows where his file is for me to see if I qualify for DIC. Never considered AO as the issue. Security Police Squadron, Me too 35th SPS, Heavy Weapons I believe that is where my father was in Vietnam about 1967. If you open Google or some other search engine, type this phrase: Citation NR: Then type in a base, or an ailment or combo of. would like to get in contact with anyone that was stationed at 7 RRFS. Just to name a few.VA denied me twice plus two appeals. I was in the 48th AML (10 Avn Div., helicopters) which was attached to the 101st. The VA I think the same thing goes for Korat and the other bases in TAILAND. I was stationed at Clark AB for 2 years and was there at the end of the conflict (we called it a WAR) and as a switchboard operator had the priviledge of helping the POWs call home!!! The 1969 map that was mentioned in the opening of the blog istitled U.S. Claim sat dormant for 7 months. I am now having a lot of digestive issues,I believe that are AO related,but current VA Dr.does not think so. until reading this , from this blog. It was of interest to me to read the numerous stories by military personal who had a part in the operation of the Phan Rang Air Base. Worked on the trim pad. Air Force units closed operations 26 February 76. MCAS RoseGarden Vets: Gary Mcevilla, Eldon Toncrey, Paul S Smith, Chandler Nelm, JC Smith, and Paul D Kaisar. Within the past 15 yrs As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. I would be glad to. This blog is governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. I had no idea that AO was being used to clear the jungles before we went in to grade and build barracks. I was stationed at Takhli in 1970and was there when they closed the base only to be reopened laternot sure of that date. From what I have been able to piece together, he either served at one or more listening posts or was in combat. I had a heart attack at 31 and then a major one at 49 and my heart doctor claims my problems were because of agent orange. I was first with the 35 FMS and finished with the 352 FS doing periodic maintenance on F-100s. Countries like Serbia, Costa Rica, and Zimbabwe are building a solid evidence-base for just transition by conducting qualitative and quantitative assessments (including economic modelling) looking at the socioeconomic impacts of a green transition. the lima site was attacked by rockets in 1971 while i was there. I am helping a widow to file for DIC benefits. For those stationed in Thailand, the VA rules state you must have been within 500 meters of the perimeters to qualify for exposure to AO. Phan Rang Viet Nam 1966. I primarily worked the flight line. I served in USAF at Sagion Tan Son Nhut AFB in 1964,I worked in large tent about a 100 yrs from the pad where an C123 transport was maintained and I pasted by the plane twice a day if it not out spraying Agent Orange.The plane nose was named Old Patches because it fly low ans slow over the tree tops doing its mission.I remember men would stand in the back of a duce and quarter filling the planes tank with agent orange by using a hand pump from a 55 gal drums.I remember seeing the stuff over flow from the drums and pump onto the ground.These men wore no protective gear the fuseledge of the plane would covered from spraying runs.Back in the 60s there were no Hazmat warning,and no one knew a lust green jungle one the day,a few days later dead.I remember taking Hughy out along the Makong river and both side of the river were dead seems like a mile on each side.The stuff really works.I my heart I feel those men are not with us today having working in those conitions.I was told Agent Orange was shipped to war in Cargo ships by the the thosands of drums.Udorn AFB was the same around the base on a fly in there.By now all those Airman are dead and I guess there still a need for more proof. I can remember standing at the runway side of our barracks watching F105 take off. Phan Rang Air Base was an important United States Air Force base during the Vietnam War. Found I had CLL in November of 2018. I had pictures of my duty section with no vegetation and an identical picture I took 37 years later tank farm covered in vegetation. Attention A T users. Runways and roads. Nkp June 67 June 68 munitions bomb dump special project seeding trails south with bomblets and sensors.ao used to clear diagnosed with prostate cancer. My husband served with the USAF from November 1966-October 1967 and was stationed at Takhli. Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. Served at Korat RTAFB from late January 68 til 17 November 68 . I was stationed at Korat AFB july67 july68, I want to know how many people stationed there had thyroid problems later in life. I had no idea of AO at Ubon. I remember him talking about tents beside the runway. 3. 1. At that time I was told anyone that served in Thailand during the Vietnam time frame was now considered to have come in contact with AO. Agree with Jack Hart. I read with interest all of the recollections of those serving at all the plush Air Force facilities throuhout Thailand, but I reflect back to the entry from Gary E McEvilla, September 24, 2019. Thank you for your service! My best friend was Robert Bob Cook who worked in the Instruments Shop. I as station at TRAFB in 1966/67 went TRY to DaNang AFB Vietnam in Jan 1967. Why shouldnt I. I was there at the same time. THE OIC IN CHARGE WAS , WAYNE L COTTRELL. Does anyone have any information on a Joseph Burton or a Charles Edward Drumm?? Stationed at Udorn 11/69 9/70. It 's wonderful place for honey moon. Within a week, at most, The chain of the dog-tags Id been wearing constantly since boot, started causing my skin to blister and weep. Phan was busy preparing for a pending visit of the Thai Foreign Minister, who would stop in London after some business at the U.N. Dates of service: (actual or approximate) Installations and Facilities in Thailand. Met President Johnsons son-in-law one time while there, he was a untrained Loadmaster. Id like inputs from others history with the VA and how you have managed your claims. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? I was an aircraft painter. and seeking contact from my work buddies, James Haley (WI); James Hall, (TX); Ron Oleson (WI); Steve Miller (Boston) and Ivan Huff (ID). I always noticed that the ground between the interior and exterior fence line virtually had little if any vegetation. Fast forward, got non-hopkins lymphoma. Infantry. However, there was a terrible consequence:Exposure to Agent Orangeresulted incancer, birth defects, and other significantailments. I was part of a gunship AC-119 Shadow flight engineer, based in Happy Valley for two tours of duty. Asking for assistance with photos, locations of where he might have been in barracks/dining recreation on the beach? In September 1965 I moved the battalion to Phan Rang for Cam Ran Bay and we started the construction of the base. I have been diagnosed with ischemic heart issues and a number of issues concerning bodily inflammation. I was at Takhli from June 1969 to June 1970. Luckily I had a copy of the orders for same and was approved for compensation last year (2019). Of course it spread around the base. My brother was in Vietnam at the same time. Thanks for any info. I dont know much about what he did because he did not talk about it very much only to say he was on the medical helicopters bring wounded in for medical care. I understand there were two places where they had computers on the Korat base. Was there two weeks and went TDY to Udorn, after arriving was told to report to the preload shop where I worked nights for duration there . As a supply sergeant, I was on the flight line and in the all the time. 1.My brother likes____TO SURF/ SURFING_____the Internet looking for new music. Let me know about agent orange problems. HI , FROM OZ ,[ DOWN UNDER]. I served at Udorn RTAFB from SEP 69 thru AUG 70. Have had skin problems plus. 8mm movie footage shot by Air Controller Jerry Libes at Phan Rang Air Base in 1971. Linda. In my case, it went back to my late husbands date of death. I have info those where Takli AFB, Needless to say, she got to go home on the same plane he did!!!!!!!! About this group. I would like to discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest. Just Broke 90, Phan Rang Air Base FREE Records: 31,716 Overview Browse Newsletters about Phan Rang Air Base during Vietnam. I could sure use a map showing the location of the MARS shack. Im still fighting them at 72 and going on about 8 years, Im looking for Frank Brown stationed at Ubon 72-73 he was dog handler for Rex4M83. Clean up crew 51st. If it wasnt for that letter I think I would still be waiting for the VA to approve my claim. I was a cable splicer and worked the parameter and between runways in the dirt and in trenches/pits. It was under the control of the VNAFs 41st Wing, which was established there on January 1, 1964 as the major Vietnamese air element in I Corps. He leaves behind a wife and three grandchildren they were raising. Are there any others who served on LT2075 on here? My claim and 2 letters of appeal have been denied. My photos will be there from the time I was at PRAB 169-12/69 with 600th Photo Det 5. Even Staff noted that there was normally no acknowledgement of "secondary exposure" based on performing maintenance on aircraft that may have sprayed Agent Orange. 8th Security Police Squadron. Kind of enjoyed the early part but was worried about being attacked. USAF Veteran Utapao RTNAB Thailand, two times 1973 and 74-75 . I was very fortunate to serve with a great bunch of guys in mms. TDYd to 4 other known sprayed places. Kidney cancer discovered in 2001 Right kidney removed. April 5, 2018. I am trying to help my dad. 2. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. He was at Pearl Harbor, Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa. It was under construction and began use shortly thereafter. Health Care Phan Rang had a large storage area, as most bases did, where general supplies were stored. Developed prostate cancer in 2020 and type 2 diabetes. on Fold3 today. Any help would be welcomed. Im looking for someone familiar with the sensors, either SPS or Ground Radio, who would be willing to drop me an email with any knowledge of the above. I said what is that. records,clipping from newpaper and was turn down. Stationed with USAF 73/74 at Ramasun Station. Have had prostrate cancer and have diabetes II and two autoimmune diseases. Thank you. Greg Dietz. Im looking for anyone who remember working with my dad. I have successfully filed for service related disability due to agent orange exposure while I was with the 6908 security squadron at NKP Thailand July 74 to June 75. I might have worked on those gun ships. The Fire Station number one Crash station was in outer perimeter. Any recalls would greatly appreciated. I did not find anyone I knew on this listing, but I came across Jackie McKenzie who wanted to get certain info about her husbands locations on base. One was near or in the central supply. definkyely exposed to herbicidee. I was at Camp Samae San, Sattahip. Response to Bob Morgan: You might want to check with the Recce group located at Beale AFB, Ca where the Deuce is currently located. It houses the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing of the Air Force and is the base of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division of the Army. Only e4 n above were exempt or guys transfer in. I was in AMS working on the Defensive Fire Control System (Gunnery System) on the B-52. c.1969. Why is this happening? Made many trips to Bangkok for the Officer and NCO Clubs. Near the entrance to the base are ruins of a Cham temple, reportedly built in the 12th Century. Was sent TDY from both other assigned locations flying as a aircrew member to locations in Thailand as well as Rep of S Vietnam. I applied for disability for exposure and was turned down with the reason that AO was of no danger once it dried. I served at Ubon RTAFB, 71-72, as an aircraft mechanic on B57G Night Intruders and F4 Phantoms. I was at Phan Rang in 1966 1967. I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. I was stationed on Udorn AFB between June 1971 June 1972. If anyone knows the location of this computer system please contact me. Living in the hootches was really diff. Worked at Communication Center. I have high blood pressure and stage 3 chronic kidney disease, and high cholesterol. (NOTE: Prior to my assignment at Ubon, there were two Sapper Attacks and during my assignment, there was one such incident.) Thank You-, Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. There were 2 JUSMAG USAF pilots stationed at Chang Mai flying with the Thai Air Force. Phan Rang Convoy photo of the check-in point at Bin Ha. A bright spot in my life. Tecnologas? In 71, Phan Rang was the home base for recently assigned FACs of the 21st TASS. Through 1975 and Stationed at Ramasun Station I continued to monitor the Khmer Rouge and the Slaughter of innocence.The Genocide.From Ramasun we continued to monitor the events that happened, the Fall of Saigon and the Mayaguez incident.

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